HLS Healthcare

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Bariatric Equipment

For state-of-the-art moving and handling tools, bariatric equipment, and patient support solutions, HLS Healthcare has everything the modern care environment could need.

HLS Healthcare is proud to be your go-to source for specialist bariatric equipment.

We pride ourselves on sourcing the highest quality of equipment from reputable providers around Australia, including Guldmann and VENDLET. Our full range of Bariatric care products include hoists, slings, lifts, and other tools dedicated to improving patient comfort while minimising occupational safety hazards.

As the need for bariatric care continues to increase, HLS Healthcare can ensure that you have the right tools to look after any patient who comes through your doors. 

Guldmann slings come with bariatric options capable of lifting up to 500kg. HLS Healthcare will be happy to help you choose the perfect product depending on your needs. Our moving and handling tools assist with:

  • Movement between beds, chairs, baths and more
  • Repositioning a patient for better comfort, or treatment
  • Handling bariatric patients for complex procedures
  • Moving patients for hygiene purposes
  • Simplifying wound and skin treatment

Support for All of Your Patients

Bariatric patients require a specialist level of care, complete with specific tools and equipment.

To ensure you’re always prepared to serve the patients that come to you for help, it’s essential to ensure that you’re A&E departments, maternity wards, and other healthcare environments are well-equipped. Here at HLS Healthcare, we’ve sought out the best possible bariatric equipment, so that you can give your patients the comfort and dignity they deserve.

Whether you’re moving a patient from a bed to a chair, repositioning someone with mobility issue, or attending to wound treatment or personal hygiene, our products can help. We understand that dealing with bariatric patients means handling a range of very specific challenges. Fortunately, all of our bariatric tools have been chosen to ensure the maximum comfort and dignity for your patients, while keeping the strain on care providers to a minimum

bariatric care insert scaled Bariatric Equipment

Products for Bariatric Care

The following are products we deem would greatly improve the operation of your bariatric care department

Vendlet Resident Positioning Systems


Guldmann Lifting Accessories

Lifting Hanger

Product Instruction Videos

1. Guldmann Ceiling Lift: Bariatric Care Solutions

2. Basic High Bariatric: Sling On/off in wheelchair

3. Gait Trainer Bariatric Sling on/off

4. Bariatric Basic High: Lifting from bed to chair

  1300 931 893

Get in Touch with Us

To arrange a product demonstration of any products from the HLS Healthcare product range, please call now or complete the form below. One of our product specialists will be more than happy to discuss your project requirements.

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