
Ceiling Hoist Systems aligned with Aged Care Quality Standards

Ceiling Hoist Systems aligned with Aged Care Quality Standards

HLS Healthcare recently underwent an independent assessment of the flagship Guldmann Ceiling Hoist range, and how the product aligns with the current Australian Aged Care Quality Standards. The results can be viewed here, but in summary a correlation between 6 of the 8 standards have been identified. An amazing result. I speak regularly with Victorian

Value, safety and responsible care – why ceiling hoists make sense

Blog Guldmann-aged-care-ceiling-hoist-recessed

With the ever-increasing pressure to improve levels of care whilst finding a balance between value with funding, hospitals and aged care facilities need to look towards understanding the smarter solution for both staff and patients/residents. To this end, ceiling hoist systems are the global standard for care; especially as hospitals and aged care facilities introduce