Are your hoists safe enough? WorkSafe Victoria recently published crucial safety advice for companies using wand-assisted and portable hoists. The article emerged after one resident at an aged care facility suffered a fatal injury when falling from a portable ceiling hoist. Reducing the Risks with Portable Ceiling Hoists Business leaders in aged care and rehabilitation
Cooking and the ability to eat is a fundamental need, most kitchens aren’t properly designed for wheelchairs or people that are handicapped which sacrifices independence and safety. Over the past 25 years, we have acquired comprehensive knowledge and experience in the development of flexible, height-adjustable kitchen systems. In this article, we’ll be explaining what is
Stand Up Hoist Standing hoists also called mobile hoists are indispensable tools for many healthcare providers due to their portability. As well as functional for a lot of healthcare facilities the standing hoist offers a comfortable patient handling solution. Great for both the person needing assistance and the carer. To get the most out of
The Ultimate Guide to Selecting Medical Equipment To help you in making your medical equipment decision, we have laid out for you the ultimate guide to selecting disability equipment suppliers. These tips can help you in your efforts to make patients more comfortable and to reduce the risk of strain for those who care for
Hoist and slings are essential to any healthcare facility and a valuable tool for any business that wishes to welcome people with physical disabilities. So how do you choose to best hoist solution? To make life easy the professionals at HLS Healthcare have detailed for you the most frequently asked questions about sling hoists. Providing
The right ceiling hoist and walking sling can be crucial in giving your patients the comfort and support they need when they’re transferred to bedrooms, lounge spaces, and treatment rooms, these solutions can also be a powerful addition to certain recovery programs too. Ceiling hoists safely and securely hold patients aloft so that they have
Hoists and slings are some of the most valuable tools in the moving and handling arena. These crucial tools aren’t just there to make the lives and jobs of care providers easier. With the right sling or hoist, you can also improve the comfort of your patients, maintain their dignity during complex transfers, and help
Patient Slings and Hoists A residential hoist can be a fantastic source of assistance for people who struggle to safely move around a specific area in their home, or in a hospital environment. Hoists not only allow people in need of mobility assistance to enjoy more comfort and independence when they’re moving around a home,