
What Are Ceiling Hoists and How Are They Installed?

A ceiling hoist system is often the most comfortable and effective way to lift and move people. Mounting the lifting device on the ceiling frees up floor space and makes it much easier to get around. A ceiling hoist system saves you both time and resources because everything you need for lifting or moving is

How to Choose the Best Ceiling Hoist Options for 2018

How to Choose the Best Ceiling Hoist Options for 2018

Hoists and slings are some of the most valuable tools in the moving and handling arena.  These crucial tools aren’t just there to make the lives and jobs of care providers easier. With the right sling or hoist, you can also improve the comfort of your patients, maintain their dignity during complex transfers, and help

How to Choose the Best Wheel Chair Ramp for Cars?

Wheelchair Ramps for Cars: How to Choose the Best One

If you care for someone who regularly uses a wheelchair, a time may come when you need to start thinking about what kind of wheelchair ramps for cars you should be using. Although most people overlook this decision as something that’s only a minor issue, there are actually several factors to consider to ensure comfort

What Are The Top Wheelchair Safety Tips for Elderly?

The Top Wheelchair Safety Tips for Nurses and Caregivers

When used properly, a manual wheelchair can be crucial to helping people with mobility issues maintain some of their independence. For patients who might not be able to move, wheelchairs can help nurses and caregivers to carefully transfer them from one place to another, both in a hospital and care environment. As a caregiver, it’s

5 Wheelchair Lift Health and Safety Tips

5 Wheelchair Lift Health and Safety Tips

A wheelchair lift is one of the safest and most comfortable ways to move someone with a mobility issue between floors in a home or building. These lifts can come in a range of different styles, from models that are designed to move both the user and the wheelchair, to models that have an integrated